Бирария Йегерхоф

Бирария Йегерхоф предлага както баварска, така и традиционна българска кухня. Има голямо разнообразие от свински, телешки, пилешки и дивечови ястия. Предлагат се и традиционните баварски брецели и кисело зеле. Освен живата бира, в менюто се предлага и всякакъв друг алкохол

Beer Box

Beer Box is the first restaurant-beerhouse in Bulgaria, built from shipping containers. The restaurant has space for 60 people and a summer garden for 80. On each of the tables a special bio-electric grill is mounted, on which the client himself can prepare his food – delicious and juicy steaks, ribs, skewers, meatballs. For those guests who do not wish to cook for themselves, they can rely on professional chefs, while enjoying the variety of beers on offer. The meat is specially selected from packing-house “Bai Techo”, Yambol and all juices are 100% – natural, cold-pressed from a clean area, without preservatives. Home chutney and hot hunk of bread will send you back to your childhood memories!